Saturday, 4 February 2012

what is telephone?

            Telephone from GREEK tele means "far",phone means "voice".so TELEPHONE is a telecommunication device that transmits and receive sounds.
            Developed in the mid-1870s by Alexander Graham Bell and others, the telephone has long been considered indispensable to businesses, households and governments, is now one of the most common appliances in the developed world. The word "telephone" has been adapted to many languages and is now recognized around the world.
   All modern telephones have a microphone to speak into, an earphone (or 'speaker') which reproduces the voice of the other person, a ringer which makes a sound to alert the owner when a call is coming in, and a keypad (or on older phones a telephone dial) to enter the telephone number of the telephone to be called. The microphone and earphone are usually built into a handset which is held up to the face to talk. The keypad may be part of the handset or of a base unit to which the handset would be connected.
                A landline telephone is connected by a pair of wires to the telephone network, while a mobile phone (also called a cell phone) is portable and communicates with the telephone network by radio.
                 Telephones are a duplex communications medium, meaning they allow the people on both ends to talk simultaneously. 
                  The telephone network, consisting of a worldwide net of telephone lines, fiberoptic cables, microwave transmission, cellular networks, communications satellites, and undersea telephone cables connected by switching centers, allows any telephone in the world to communicate with any other. Each telephone line has an identifying number called its telephone number.

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